Bail Bond FAQ
Q: What is a bail bond?
A: Basically, a bail bond is a guarantee that the defendant will attend all scheduled court dates requested by the court. When a bail bond is written, usually a fee of 10% is paid to a bail bondsman to post the full bond amount to the jail.
Q: How much do Florida bail bonds cost?
A: The premium on all Florida Bail Bonds is 10%. No bail bond agency can charge you any more or any less. On larger bonds, payment plans are available if qualified. To see if you qualify for our payment plan, call our office and speak with one of our bail bondsman to further discuss you options.
Q: Is collateral needed for a bail bond?
A: No. In most cases, collateral is not needed. Some paperwork and the premium fee is all that is required. Since each case is unique, we ask that you call our office and speak with a licensed bondsman to further discuss whether collateral is needed for your bail bond.
Q: How long does the bail bond process take?
A: We can have you approved in minutes. The entire bail bond process can be done over the phone. Once the bail bond is posted, the release time can be from 1-4 hours depending on which county the defendant is in.
Q: Why James Brennan Bail Bonds?
A: Our service is unique and the most efficient. We service all of our customers out of one office then contact our agents throughout the state to post the bond at the jail. This ensures consistency in our bail bond service and allows you to deal with the same bail bondsman throughout the court process. We offer all types of payment options such as: Cash, AMEX (American Express), VISA, Master Card, Discover, PayPal, Money Gram, Western Union, Bank Transfer, ACH Checks, and also payment plans.